Happy National Irish Coffee Day!
We have a fun and simple recipe for you to try for this National day! This recipe originated in Ireland back in 1942 by an airport chef, Joe Sheridan. It is said that he whipped up this warm and delicious drink for several passengers who were waiting at the airport when their flight was on hold due to a storm in the area. The drink was eventually made for well know travel writer Stanton Delaplane, who shared it with the owner of Buena Vista Café in San Francisco and that is how it came to the United States. Over the years people have adapted this drink and made it their own but the same simple ingredients of coffee, whiskey, sugar, and cream are all you need to truly make an Irish Coffee.
- 1 cup freshly brewed hot Barrie House Coffee (we recommend a dark roast)
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 1 ½ ounces Irish whiskey
- Whipped Cream