Barrie House is active in the community - both as a company and as individuals.
Here are just a few ways that Barrie House is active in our local and extended communities:

Barrie House donates time, product and financial resources to support Feeding Westchester's mission to end hunger in Westchester County, NY. As a local company located in Westchester, we feel it is our duty to give back to the community where we live and work, and to help those in need...

Mercy Chefs: Feeding Body and Soul
Principally focused on providing disaster relief, Mercy Chefs regularly responds to national emergencies and natural disasters at home and abroad. In addition to emergency response, they make use of equipment skills and volunteers by meeting existing needs within urban communities, establishing permanent kitchens in places with ongoing hardship, and installing water purification systems for communities without access to potable water. Barrie House supports Mercy Chefs with product contributions.
A 4,300 mile journey across America to honor and connect veterans while celebrating all that unites us as a nation. Teams of runners carry the flag through 24 states over the course of two months - helping America’s veterans find lasting fulfillment through the creation of deep bonds with other veterans and civilian supporters. Barrie House CEO Craig James is a regular participant and proud Old Glory runner.
Donations to U.S. Armed Services
As a way to thank service men and women for their service,
Barrie House regularly donates product to military bases in the U.S.